September 07, 2006

Its been a long time...

Of late I've been spending a lot of time getting to grips with my role at Explore. Its not been quite what I was expecting but nevertheless its a good job and I'm enjoying it.

I've had a small learning curve about search engine optimisation and PPC - all very 'technical' stuff that I hadn't really considered as part of a marketing role. I had hoped to be doing much more on the social networking and blogging but its not happened to date for a number of technical and business reasons. Still working on it though. I might be able to turn the site into something resemebling web2.0 next year (well I say 'I' really its a lot of technical people from other companies).

Adventure travel sure is different from Broadband - in too many ways to go into. Its taken me far longer to get my head around that than I was expecting too. But I do enjoy going into work in a morning and being able to say that I did that.

View over Farnborough is quite good too (not that Farnborough is picturesque...)

Anyway - expect to start blogging more on travel and the web and marketing and stuff as its a good habit I've gotten out of, and I might just fix the comments too.

Posted by Paul Goodison at September 7, 2006 05:01 PM | TrackBack

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